Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Well, I've gone and done it...

I thought it would never happen. I was resisting at all costs, but I finally caved. I got a blog. Why, you ask? Because for some reason, I think it might help me think through things. I've heard a lot of people say it's nice to have a place to put their thoughts down, get the stress out of their lives, and then walk away. My argument was always, "Well, what do you think a journal is?", but apparently I was very wrong lol. Apparently it's easier to sit down and type than it is to write and get hand cramps. And, that argument makes sense to me hehe. So, here I am, writing my first blog. AHHH!!!!...*deep breath* It's okay....I can do this hehe.

I have a friend who writes a blog about important issues in her life, or things that happen around her. I have another friend who writes about her day to day life, and anything else that strikes her. My mother does the same. I think I'll follow the herd and do that. I'll also use it as a way to display my latest art work. It's easier to send everyone to a link rather than email all my latest work out to everyone on an individual basis hehe.

So, take a moment to whine, I MISS MATT! I just got to see him on Sunday. For those who don't know, Matt is my boyfriend of almost 7 months. We'll have been together 7 months on April 3. He is absolutely the love of my life hehe. We are completely obsessed with each other (in a healthy sort of way lol) but I think it's the fact that I know he's gone up north fishing, and I don't get to see him until late Friday that I miss him so much. He has an English test to take at the OPP for a dispatch position Friday night. *crosses her fingers* He needs this job badly. My mom told me that it's only casual to start, but my dad tells me that it will eventually lead to full time, which will be nice. I haven't told Matt that it's only casual to start. My dad says that there will be more than enough hours available to work, but still, I don't want Matt to get disheartened. It's been so frustrating for him. He's been laid off since mid February, and hasn't been able to find a decent job. There is absolutely NOTHING in Northern Ontario for decent full time employment that pays over $10/hr. And that's what Matt needs if he's going to be able to make a start in life. He's applied to several regional forces across Ontario, trying to get into policing, but so far that isn't getting any results either. I have to admit I get a little frustrated with him, because he's resisting going to Southern Ontario. Currently, the London force is hiring. He can't find their contact information online, so he emailed them. I wondered why he didn't call, but I don't want to seem pushy. And I actually just went to the site and see that their address is printed at the top of their page lol. I guess I'll email it to him hehehe. Then he can send out another one. I've told Matt not to worry about me, I can go just about anywhere and get work. But with him, he has to go where he can get a job. Anyway, this is a topic that will be coming up a lot, I can guarantee it hehe.

On a completely different topic, I'm on a mission. I found the most amazing Jack Johnson poster on allposters.com last night! I wanted it soooooooo bad. It took everything in my power not to order it lol. Anyway, I absolutely LOVE Jack Johnson, and this poster would be the capper for my collection. And I have to say, it would look absolutely smashing next to my Audioslave poster hehe. So, my goal, is to get to CD Plus today and see if they can order it for me hehe. If they can, I will kiss the person who orders it! LOL...well not really, but you get the idea.

Anyway, that's enough of my blog for one day. I can see that I'm going to suffer from a serious case of verbal diarrhea with this thing lol. I have to head out to the Ontario Early Years Centre at some point today to get a tour and get things rolling to start volunteering. And then off to the mall. :o) I just might do a little shopping, even though I probably shouldn't lol. So, until next time!
