Monday, November 06, 2006

So yesterday was such a looooong day. I woke up at 7:30, had a shower, ate breakfast, watched Dirty Jobs, and sat there. Bored out of my tree. Nothing good on tv, and 10 hours until Matt got home from work. I farted around outside for a few minutes, decided it was too wet for yard work and came back in. A sudden feeling hit me to finally paint the Tiki Bar on the wall, to match the palm tree on the other wall. I jumped online, found some pictures and went to work.

Well, 8 hours later I had a mural finished. I painted the last part 10 minutes before Matt walked in the door lol. I have to say, I wasn't expecting to get that motivated about it. It just seemed like I drew everything perfectly the first time. That NEVER happens. I usually have to redraw things a few times before I can start painting. But this time, everything went on the wall exaclty how it was supposed to. There are a couple of exceptions, like one of the dancer's legs, her hand, and the bar stools.....but outside of that, I absolutely love it! I don't want to move now lol. I don't want to leave this behind lol.

Here are the pictures from start to finish :o)