Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The mission: FAILED

Okay, small town businesses SUCK!!!!!! I went to CD Plus today to try and special order the Jack Johnson poster. It was a flat out no-go. They don't special order posters. I had one last shot, Mudshark's on Main Street. So I headed down there after doing some shopping. I walk in, look around at all their posters and then ask the guy at the cash if they do special orders. I get a snotty, monotone, glaring "No, we don't.".....with a resounding "get out of my face and store" attitude. I was T-I-C-K-E-D!!!! He gave me such a snotty reply, I thought about punching his lights out! Instead I just gave him a snotty look in return and walked away. When all I really wanted to do was tear into him about how inconsiderate businesses are these days, and that if he maybe tried treating his customers with respect he might actually sell things from his store, but then again, I guess he doesn't have to sell CDs and posters when his pot business does so well, and storm out. GOD THAT BURNS ME!!!


*huffs and puffs and finally calms down* Okay. I'm done.

A really ticked off
