Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Hurray for a better day!

Okay, today was a good day. It wasn't fantastic, but so far so good! Nothing bad has happened hehe. Not that I'm asking for anything bad to happen! GOD NO!!

To give a disclaimer...the subject matter of my blog today is a rather sensitive subject. It is in no way a definitive answer to the wonders of organized religion lol. It's just my personal opinion, and my personal beliefs.

We had an interesting child development class today. We got onto the topic of homosexuality, and gay marriages. We had some interesting debates in that class. There was one girl in the class who is a devout Christian and said that in the bible it says that homosexuality is not allowed, and since it's written in the bible, then is must be that way. I had to bite my tongue because I am NOT a religious person. Not at all. I'm not saying I'm not spiritual, I'm just not religious, and I don't follow any one religion. Anyway, I honestly believe that each person has their own faith, and they follow a religion because that's what helps them through life. They get something out of religion that I obviously don't. Personally, I feel that the bible is nothing but a work of fiction created to get a larger message across. The stories in the bible are just that, stories. They weren't meant to be taken literally, or altered and analyzed and picked apart until the original meaning of the text is completely gone. Anyways, I digress. I had to refrain from speaking my mind because, as I said, each person has the right to their own beliefs, and since it was a class discussion, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But what I really felt like asking her was if she truly believed every word of the bible. If she did, then she should believe that as a women she is the creator of sin and shouldn't be considered a person, she should also believe that homosexuals aren't people, since they live outside of the word of god as well. I wanted to ask her if she had friends who were homosexual, and if she did, if she treated them as regular people. I wanted to ask her if she believed in equal rights for women, because if she did then she was going against the word of her "God". And if she had answered yes to believing in equal rights, or in treating her homosexual friends as people, if that meant she was picking and choosing which parts of her religion she believed in. Because if she's as devout a Christian as she says she is, then she would be obligated to follow her religious dogma.

And this is precisely why I don't believe in any organized religion. The only religion I come close to believing in is Paganism. Even in that case, I believe in the energies of the world around me, and that everything has a spirit or soul, but I can't bring myself to believe in the idea that everything is attributed to or controlled by individual gods or goddesses. I really like the idea of the universal mother, or Mother Earth, Gaea. It just makes sense to me. However, I also believe that you can't have creation without a male counterpart, so I believe there could be a to speak. A male and a female energy that runs the world and keeps everything in balance. If you don't have balance in the world, then everything is knocked out of whack, and you get what we currently have: constant fighting, inequality, and disharmony. I am very attracted to the idea of the divine feminine, and am somewhat resentful towards the men (early Christians) who altered and created stories to make women out to be the perpetrators of original sin. There was a time when women were reverred and worshipped for their ability to create and give life. They were seen as goddesses because of that power. But with the dawning of Christianity all of that changed. Women were the reason behind the fall of man. Pregnancy and birth was no longer a miracle, it was a punishment. All the Pagan symbols of the divine feminine were changed and made out to be evil or demonic. And now, 2000 years later we see the results of that. And only recently have we been fighting to change that and put the balance back into place.

I find it very disheartening that people aren't able to put their differences aside and accept the everyone for who they are. Who cares what their individual beliefs are? Respect people for what they have faith in, and trust that it helps them. Just because it's not the same thing you have faith in doesn't mean it isn't any less important. By respecting one another and working together, we help restore the balance to this lovely planet we like to call earth.

Just some food for thought.
