Sunday, July 30, 2006

Holy Cow How Time Flies

Man oh man, it's funny how time just slips away from you. Between being busy at work and having life go bananas around me, I haven't seen the last 2 weeks go by. My parents were here for a week to help Colin and Crystal move. Well actually, Colin and Crystal weren't here, they were down in Toronto with Keenan again, but they were in the middle of packing up for a move when they got called to go back down to Toronto.

On the Keenan front: It's inevitable he will need a transplant, and it will likely be in the next few months. He might be able to come home sometime this week, but he'll be going back down in the near future for his liver transplant. When that happens, Colin and Crystal are moving down to Toronto because Keenan will need to go to the hospital every week for a check-up and follow-ups for the first year. That would run into an awful lot of money for them if they kept having to drive down there once a week. We're all concerned about the transplant, but we've been assured that it has a 95% success rate, so that made us feel a little better. Now it's just a matter of when it's going to happen.

In other news, Matt let me buy the cutest shelf today! For months now I have been looking for one of those shelves that has the square "cubbies" with the pull-out drawers. I originally wanted fabric or canvas drawers, but upon further consideration I decided the fabric really wouldn't wear well and it would be better to have something a little more sturdy. Well, we were in Costco today and BAM there it was....the shelf of my dreams lol. I'd found other shelves that I had really liked, but none of them made me whine and pine and whine some more. This shelf was the right tone of wood, it wasn't pressed particle board shelving, it was REAL birch wood, and it has bold coloured birch drawers! This shelf has been a godsend because it's let us get rid of one of our filing cabinets that was holding all my art supplies and wedding stuff. It also makes a handy-dandy aquarium holder too.

Speaking of aquariums, we had a disaster a few days ago. Matt had made his own awesome aquarium. I was very excited about it. I had it all decorated nicely and we were getting ready to put fish in it when disaster struck. The bottom of the tank cracked and water went everywhere....and I mean everywhere. Matt was ticked, I was we went out to PetSmart and bought a new tank. It's not a huge tank, but we needed something to use all our new fish stuff in! We weren't letting all of our new fish supplies go to waste lol. So now, I'm going to set up this new tank today and then hopefully we can go and get some new fish in a week or so lol.

We're having a yard sale!! FINALLY!! Matt and I have been trying to unload tons of our stuff since we moved in almost 9 months ago, and we just haven't been able to do it. Well, the time has finally come! We were over at ours friends' house last night and Nancy is going through a huge nesting phase. She has baby #2 on the way and she's trying to get rid of junk and get organized for when baby comes at the end of August. She wasn't sure what she was going to do with all their stuff, so I suggested a yard sale. Melanie was visiting from Elliot and suggested the weekend of August 12. She could come and help us, and Nancy wouldn't have to do a thing. Matt and I can bring all our stuff over, and we'll try and get rid of as much as we can. Whatever doesn't sell can get donated. We're all pretty excited. And we're getting rid of some pretty high quality items that we just don't have room for, or don't use anymore.

Well, I think that's all of my news for now. Matt's gone to work so it's just me for the evening. I don't mind so much tonight. I have a movie to watch, and then I'll just watch tv, or maybe go visit Jim and Nancy again for a bit. I could also go on the hunt for more yard sale stuff hehe. God knows half the storage closet is going to get sold lol. Nancy's going to laugh her head off when she sees how much stuff we have to sell lol. Once we have it all together I'll take a picture of it, just to show how much junk we really own lol. I'm not sure I want to do that, but ah well hehe.

-Who might be embarassed by just how much stuff has accumulated over the last little while.