Monday, July 10, 2006

I'm Itchy....Oh so Itchyyyyyyy.....

So Matt came home very early Saturday morning......YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY HUNNY'S HOME!!!!!!!......we spent the afternoon at the beach having an absolutely delightful picnic! I hadn't gone on a picnic is YEARS, so it was a lot of fun. We found a nice shady spot right by the water, and enjoyed the sounds of the beach, and a yummy lunch. We spent a couple of hours there, and then moved on to do some shopping.

Saturday night we went over to Jim and Nancy's house for a campfire. I looooooove campfires. It is an absolute must that I make campfire toast with peanut butter on it....preferrably crunchy but really, any peanut butter will do.

The campfire really was a lot of fun. There were 7 of us, a lot of beer, and of course lots of mosquitoes. Nancy was kind enough to provide me with extra-strength bug spray but it didn't really seem to help lol. You see, I've had this problem since I was a kid. BUGS LOVE ME!!! I don't know if I have sweet blood, I just smell good, or I just look like a really desireable piece of meat, but I have been the donor for many-a-brood of baby mosquitoes in my time. Saturday night was no exception. Matt dowsed me with bug spray, and it seemed to work....for about 5 minutes. I toughed it out for about an hour or so, and he dowsed me again. That time it didn't work. The little buggers are adapting, I swear to you. By the time we left I was scratching in some very unpleasant places. I reeked of bug dope and it was all in vain lol. I got home and went to have a shower, when I looked down all I could do was gasp lol. We decided to count my bug bites, and in total, I got 41 mosquitoe bites in the 3 hours I was sitting outside. I am quite literally itchy from head to toe lol. I am not a happy Sara.

-Who doth detest mosquitoes in all their buzzing and biting glory.