Wednesday, June 21, 2006

To Be Riddled with Guilt...

As I sit here digesting my McDonalds, and eyeing the chocolate bar that got given to me free of charge (peanut butter kit I grossed out by this???), I've realized one thing... MCDONALD'S SUCKS lol....I mean, it's semi-yummy when you're eating it....but five minutes after you eat that last french fry your stomach starts into the McGurgles, and it's just downhill from there lol. The only reason I stopped for lunch today was because I was soooo hungry my stomach was kissing my backbone. I opted for chicken nuggets, because it wasn't a huge burger, and I thought it wouldn't be too much for the tummy. *sighs* But alas, my stomach has other plans lol. Although, I will admit I rather enjoyed the iced tea lol. Fie on you McDonalds, and your fatty, fried, fast food!!

On to other news, I'm going away for the weekend! YAY!!! 2 more sleeps and I get to spend the weekend with my hunny! I'm leaving for Powassan tomorrow after work, and at 9am on Friday morning, Joy and I are heading down south for the weekend. I have a planned stop at Ikea to pick out this fabulous new duvet cover for the spare bedroom...

I'm so excited! hehe...and then after that my shopping escapades are done! Joy plans on hitting some fabric stores, and following her own shopping agenda, which is fine. :o) I make an excellent shopping partner as long as I'm entertained lol. Stephanie and I are trading shifts tomorrow, so I will be working from 9:00 - 5:00, which is pretty sweet. Not only do I get to sleep in, but I get to leave earlier than usual! lol....yay for me!

Well, I think I'm going to attempt to eat this chocolate bar....I hope they didn't ruin everything that makes kit kat so wonderful lol.


-Who's counting down to when her hunny comes home....17 more sleeps!