Friday, August 11, 2006

Dinner Out...

Friday's Feast

Feast One Hundred & Six


Tell about a toy you remember from your childhood.

- Honestly, I was a toy-hog. When I played with toys, I played with all of them. I used to love my She Ras, and I loved to play with my stuffed toys. I have very fond memories of playing "teacher" with all of my stuffed toys, and making attendance lists, marking worksheets, etc. lol I was meant to be a teacher from day one hehe. As for sentimental value, my favourite toy from childhood that I still have to this day is a pink and white mouse. It never had a name, but it was well loved just the same.


If you could make one thing in the world absolutely free for everyone, what would it be?

Definitely healthcare, and housing, I agree with you there Bea. But I'd also make travel free, so you could go a visit loved ones whenever you wanted. (And while we're dreaming, scotch should be free too!)


Approximately how many times per day do you think about your significant other?

- It all depends what I'm doing. I'm always talking about him, so really, I guess I think about him all the time lol. I'd say somewhere around all the time hehe. I'm always fighting the urge to call him while I'm at work and while he's at work lol.

Main Course

What is something you believe in 100%?

The energies of the world around us. All you have to do is send out a thought to the universe and believe that you deserve's amazing what can happen.


Name one thing you have done this week that you would consider a "good deed."

I hate to sound like a little goody goody, but I do something good every day. I work in childcare, and I honestly can't think of too many careers that are more rewarding. I get to do "good deeds" all day.


-Who can't wait to get rid of all her yard sale stuff.