Friday, September 08, 2006

Ever Have Those Weeks....

Where you know it's going to be a short week but it still feels like a regular week all the same? That was my week this week. I started back on my split shift this week, and I was all excited about it because I find that shift very relaxing and a lot less stressful than doing a full 9:30 - 5:30 with my school age kids. Well, let me tell you, I am so freakin' exhausted this week I'm lucky if I can stay awake until 9:30 at night! lol All summer I was spoiled and got to sleep in until 8:00 most mornings, but now I'm back to waking up at 6:00, and on the mornings I have to take the bus I have to get up at 5:00. I know...whine whine whine, woe is me, but seriously, that's a big adjustment to make! lol....I'm so thankful it's finally Friday so I can get properly rested for next week.

What else happened this week? Oh yeah, I went and got my bloodwork done for the living donor liver transplant stuff. Now I just have to wait for the Toronto Hospital to contact me with what I have to do next. You should see the bruise on my arm though! Holy cow!! I know it's hard to find my veins, they like to hide, but holy. I've never had someone bruise me that much. She had to use a surface vein, which happens to me a lot, but for some reason it really bruised this time. Matt cringes when he looks at it lol. I keep telling him it looks a lot worse than it is!

My mom's cousin Blair died suddenly over the weekend. He was actually a cousin by marriage, but family just the same. He was a nice guy, he had 2 boys, and his wife of course. I'm not sure if they found out why he died, but it was definitely very sudden. You'll be missed Blair, take care on the other side.

Well, it's time for me to head off to work again. It was payday yesterday so I think Matt and I have plans to do groceries on my break this afternoon, and any other running around. Enjoy your Friday!

-Who plans on sleeping a lot this weekend....and cleaning, and gardening.....and oh, sleeping.