Sunday, January 28, 2007

Well my goodness....

I am pleased to announce that I'm feeling better today. I talked to my aunt and found out that the flu I have/had likes to play little games. Even though you're not throwing up, it doesn't want you to eat solid foods right away. Apparently eating toast and fruit yesterday was a bad plan. After a miserable evening being in the worst pain EVER from a stomach flu, I took some gravol and eventually fell asleep. I woke up this morning, no food in my stomach, and I felt great. I've put myself back on a liquid diet, with light solids and so far so good. No pain, I'm managing to eat...although not as much as I'd like to.

I was upset yesterday because Melanie and Nancy called me wanting to know if I wanted to go out for coffee. I'm so desperate to get out of this apartment. I feel stranded. Matt's worked everyday since I got home. It's been just me and the bunny. I'm going stir crazy. Of course then I had to go and get the flu, which only made my situation worse lol. And I thought I was going to have company today because I didn't think Matt was working today. Well, turns out he was working about 12 hour shift today. I should have gone home to Elliot this weekend. At least I would have had company. I didn't go because I thought I'd get to see Matt a bit, but alas, that didn't happen. So, needless to say I'm bored stiff, lonely, and kind of cranky lol. Here I sit, playing online poker, watching movies, and sipping juice. LOL And I go to watch my new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, and Matt took it to work with him and hasn't brought it back yet. Sooo not happy. I was going to have a Pirates Marathon today, and that got foiled. I'm a little irritated at him right now lol. Nothing major, just my crankiness finding a release. *sighs* I WANT TO GO OUT!!!!!

*huffs, puffs, sighs, and collapses and throws a fit* Funny how I have 6 weeks off, I was looking forward to having a relaxing few weeks off work, and it's turned out to be nothing but sickness, boredom, and loneliness. ARGH....I better end this before I go insane lol. I'm going to go lose more points at poker.
