Well, I've Gone and Done It....
I've out myself out there and put my work up for slaughter. I finally bit the bullet and submitted my Amelia stories to a publisher. Kids Can Press is accepting submissions for children's stories, and picture books. I've been getting my mom to edit my two favourite Amelia stories for me, and I finally got around to finishing the edits on the second one day. I did some research and found a publisher that is accepting manuscripts. I was terrified to sit down and write a query letter though. I had no idea how to write one! I had no idea what I needed to have in it, and no idea how long it should be. So, I found a template online, and just went with it. I sent it to my mom to go over. Hopefully she'll have some good advice for me.I can't believe I'm finally doing this. I've dreamed of being a children's author for years now, but never thought I could do it. I created my Amelia character on a whim one day, and wrote a story. I got rave feedback from friends and family, so I thought I could keep going with it. I've written 5 Amelia stories so far, with a few ideas sitting on the back burner. Matt, my mom and a few of my friends have been urging me to submit them to a publisher, but I've been too scared. It's that age-old fear of rejection. But like my mom says, if I don't submit I'll constantly be wondering, "What if"...and of course, what if someone has the same idea as me and beats me to it!? So, it's taken me 2 years, but I'm doing it lol. Here's hoping I get a nice reply!
- Who doesn't think she can wait 3 months to hear back about her stories....