Saturday, March 11, 2006

What A Wonderful Week This Has Been....

At least, maybe....kind of??? To be honest it was basically a very stressful week, but for some reason I'm flying high today. After the Little Man, Keenan was born on Wednesday evening, things turned upside down. They found a swelling and bleeding into his brain, which was putting pressure on his brain and causing seizures. I found this out at 7:104am, just before heading to work. I get off the phone with my brother promising not to tell my parents, just to tell them to get to the hospital ASAP. I found it rather challenging to keep the tears away, and failed miserably. After throwing my parents into a panic they zoom off to the hospital and I call work to take a day off. It was very last minute but a family emergency is more important than a $10 an hour job. Off to the hospital we go. We found out Keenan can't be flown out to Toronto until Friday. Brief moment of panic until the doc assures us that an extra day or two won't hurt him, that all of his vitals are fine.

Well, to skip the rest of the day, we move to Friday. I have to go back to work, the whole needing to make money thing. That and there really wasn't anything I could do family-wise because everyone was leaving for Toronto after Keenan. Matt and I volunteer to cat-sit for Colin and Crystal. They say we can do our laundry, and enjoy the satellite. SCORE! Anyway, I call my parents this morning to learn the update and find out that Keenan is doing really well. His jaundice is basically gone, he's off the respirator, and the Doctors are slowly starting to ween him off the drugs and get him out from under all the sedation. He was supposed to undergo an MRI last night, but we don't know the results yet. My parents made me feel a lot better by telling me that the swelling seems to have gone down a bit and that he hadn't had one seizure since he got to Toronto. So, please keep sending positive energy his way! I have to come up with a great nickname for him because of his strength through all this. :o) He's already an amazing little man.

In honour of his strength and of course Matt and I being the coolest aunt and uncle ever, we went and spoiled my little man rotten today!! We bought a stellar collapsible basket and then bought tons of stuff to put in it. We gotthe cutest set of 3 sleepers, the most adorable little short set for summer, face cloths, bibs, adorable little farm animal socks, a stuffed pig named Wilbur, a towel, and safety stuff like locks for cupboards and plug covers, and a cute padded snuggle picture book. I'm going to have it all packed and ready and set in the nursery for his return.

I can't wait for him to come home. After my mom was talking about him, he's able to open his eyes now, you can see his beautiful brown eyes, and he's looking a lot more healthy with his natural colour coming through. I can't wait until he's strong enough to come home so I can finally snuggle him.

Dum spiro, spero
"While I breath, I hope"....sending my energy your way little guy. Come home quickly!

Love and hugs
Auntie Sara