Saturday, February 25, 2006

Change of Plans?

Well, after talking to my mom and hearing all about how inexpensive their upcoming trip to Ireland is going to be, Matt and I are suddenly rethinking our honeymoon trip to Hawaii. We don't deny it would be fantastic to see Hawaii, but in reality we agree that financially we don't think we can pull it off. It's been a concern of ours since we decided that's where we'd like to go. We were talking about it last night, and just the flights alone to Hawaii are going to cost us a fortune, whereas flights to Ireland, for two return flights, would only cost us $1000 plus taxes and airport fees, etc. My mom said that her and my dad are getting their tickets for $1304 and some change. TOTAL...isn't that crazy?! Right now the cheapest flight I can find to Hawaii is $800 return per person. That's almost double what my parents are paying lol. It's certainly something to think about.

Other than the cost of the flight, my parents are renting the cutest little cottage in Ireland for 2 weeks, and it's only costing them just under $700! A COTTAGE!! Matt and I would be staying in a hotel room paying over at least $100 a night guaranteed it will be more, and we wouldn't be getting that much room, plus a yard, patio, incredible view of the Irish landscape. This is starting to sound better and better right? But wait, there's more!

My parents are also renting a car for the two weeks they're there. It's only going to cost them just over $400 for the whole two weeks, and they get unlimited kilometers! A Ccr rental isn't even something that Matt and I have taken into consideration for our trip yet. There are obviously different parts of Hawaii we'd like to see, and we'd like to see them on our own, not part of a tourist bus or anything. So there's another cost we hadn't thought about.

My mom sent me her itinerary and at first I didn't really pay close attention. I looked at it and got very excited for them, but it didn't occur to me just how inexpensive this trip really is in the grand scheme of things. Where our trip to Hawaii is going to cost us at least $3500 if not more and that doesn't include any sightseeing or touristy stuff, their trip to Ireland is going to cost them $2500 and they get to tour a large part of the island in that two weeks! And here's something else for us to consider. When we go, we're likely not going for two weeks, we only plan on going for a week or maybe 9 or 10 days max. So that brings our cost down even lower. This itinerary my mom planned even works perfectly for us for cost because we'll be travelling at almost exactly the same time of year.

I think that Matt and I are definitely convinced that we'll go to Ireland instead. It's a place I've always been fascinated with and looking at pictures of it just always makes me feel so content and at peace. You wouldn't be able to wipe the smile from my face if I could actually go and see it. That's why I'm so excited for my mom!! She's wanted to see Ireland since she was a teenager but has never had the means or the time to do so. Now she does, so her and my dad are already paying for stuff and they're finally doing it! I can't wait for them to go, and I'm so thrilled for them!!! I can't wait to see all the pictures they take!

-Who's pretty sure Ireland will be the honeymoon destination.