Saturday, March 04, 2006

Sunny-side up!

Well, I'm not sure when it happened or how, but I realized yesterday that I'm the happiest I've been in a long time and am feeling fantastic. Perhaps it's the recent string of sunny weather and the melting snow. Perhaps it's because Matt got his job with the Airport Security. Perhaps it's because he got his first Employment Insurance cheque and we're covered until he can start his job with the airport. Perhaps it's the fact that I'm off the pill and I don't feel like the world is ending and the need to cry about it. Perhaps it's because I have a little niece or nephew on the way any day now. Perhaps it's because we're finally catching a tiny financial windfall so we can pay off furniture, buy a ring, and pay for wedding things.

Perhaps it's because I'm finally feeling healthier. I went to the Dr. on Thursday and told him I have another sinus infection. After his initial facial reaction of "You're Dr. Who-by-the-way?"....he asks me a barrage of questions to which I promptly reply "Green, yellow AND browny boogers, left eye is about to escape the confines of my socket and splat across the room, I'm coughing up delightfully disgusting "stuff", second one in a month and a half, childcare is hazardous to my health". He writes the script, tells me if I get another one too soon or this one doesn't leave I need x-rays. I take my list of drugs and I'm gone. $100 later and two days of taking meds and I already feel fantastic lol.

Anyway, whatever it is that's making me feel fantastic I'll keep it thank you very much. Thank you universal energies, and keep up the good work. Perhaps the hard times have finally ended, or at least on their way out.