Saturday, April 01, 2006

Childhood Heroes and Memories

I woke up in an odd mood this morning. First off I had two very different songs in my head and they were duking it out for the #1 spot in my head. Neither one won. One was "Landing in London" by Three Doors Down and Bob Seger. It's a fantastic song if you ask me, but I'm rather a fan of Bob Seger's raspy voice. Anyway, the second song was "Down on Grandpa's Farm" by Sharon Lois and Bram. I have loved Sharon Lois and Bram since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. I had one of their tapes that I played and played and played and played. I wish I still had it actually because it would come in handy working in childcare. Anyway, it put me on a search of other childhood favourites. Music lead to books, which lead to tv. So, in hommage of all of my favourite tv shows as a kid, I give to you the list of all my of childhood television heroes. The ones who helped my imagination run free, and gave entertainment during a time when television was still basically wholesome for kids.

The Friendly Giant

I would be lying if I said I watched this show faithfully. My brother was more of a fan than I was, but I do remember the good old "Look up. Look waaaaay up, and I'll call Rusty." I used to love when he played his recorder and I remember thinking, even back then, that he had the most gentle voice. I enjoyed listening to the show moreso than watching it. Odd how we remember these things? The smallest details make an impression even in childhood.

Fred Penner's Place

This show was absolutely, positively a favourite of mine. I used to love the word of the day. That always made a big impression on me. I even loved the opening credits of the show because of the strange sounding instruments, and the "Fred Penner's Place" being spoken in an odd voice. I still can't figure out how it was done lol. I loved watching him hike through the fields and rocks and finally the show started with Fred Penner crawling through a giant log and sitting on the rocks. I loved when he took out his guitar and would sing songs like "The Cat Came Back". In fact, that's the first memory I have of that song. And then of course there was the colourful parrot that lived in the word tree that gave him the word of the day everyday. This was definitely a great kids show. I sometimes wish it was still on lol.

Sharon, Lois and Bram

I will always, always, always and forever remember the Elephant Song and Skinnamarink. I LOVED that dancing elephant. LOL Maybe that's where my love of elephants comes from, who knows. I had my Sharon Lois and Bram tape and I played it endlessly as a young kid. Because of them I know songs like "Hot Cross Buns", "Five Brown Buns", "Horsey Horsey", "Fish and Chips and Vinegar", "I Am Slowly Going Crazy"...the list goes on and on. It's because of them that I have such a huge mental library of kids songs and that my kids love song time at work. One particular favourite that I had forgotten about was "She'll Be Comin' 'Round The Mountain". Kelly played it at work and I had a blast lol. Talk about a flashback! I hope you can still get their CDs when Matt and I finally have kids.

Polka-Dot Door

I don't know anybody my age and older who doesn't remember the Polka-Dot Door. "The Polka-dot door, the polka-dot door, we'll see you soon at the polka-dot door. With songs and stories and so much more (pause for music) At the Polka-dot door!" No, I wasn't addicted to this show at all lol. I loved everyday of the week on that show. They'd go on "tours" of factories, or how real life was. How things worked like cars, trains, or just take tours of zoos or parks. There was always an Animal day, and I LOVED animal day. They always went and visited all their pets at the Polka-Dot Door. I loved story time, and all the songs they'd sing. And best of all, the magic of Polka-Roo. Now, it seems obvious to me now that I'm older, that Polka-Roo was really just the second host of the show, but as a child, I loved when Polka-Roo came. I remember always thinking that it was too bad that one of the hosts always missed seeing Polka-Roo. Ahhh the joys of innocence hehe. This show is definitely a fond memory.

And finally....

Mr. Dress-Up

All I have to say is Casey and Finnigan. The team of Mr. Dress-Up and Casey and Finnigan was something I definitely loved while growing up. I loved everything about this show, from the toys he played with, his friends and visitors, the Tickle Trunk, and all the drawings he would do. It might sound kind of odd, but I distinctly remember watching Mr. Dress-Up and wishing that I could draw like him. And even more odd? To this day, everytime I'm drawing with a black magic marker I think of that show lol. Sometimes I even go back into my memory and think about what it was like watching that show and wishing I could draw just like Mr. Dress-Up. (and sometimes I'll even pretend I'm on my own kids show and drawing for my audience!!! But SHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh). There are some days I really miss the innocence of childhood. The joys of learning new things. The fact that everything is so exciting. Maybe that's why I've chosen my career path? I feel the need to make a child's life a little brighter by enhancing their experience and helping them enjoy their experiences that much more. One thing is for sure, when I have my own kids, I'm going to make sure they're able to enjoy all the things in life that I enjoyed as a kid. I don't want them to miss out on a thing.

Of course this list doesn't include things like Romper Room, Today's Special, Littlest Prince, Fables of the Green Forest...there are so many. The list could be almost endless. Either way I enjoyed the trip down memory lane. Until next time...

