Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Seven of Swords

Today I pulled the 7 of Swords:

In A Reading: Many 7s denote a period of introspection or solitude. They also indicate unlooked-for advantages or gain through things that come unexpectedly.

Many swords predict tremendous activity, agitation, or acceleration, because Swords show the last stages of effort before the final result.

Focus: The focus is on attempts, efforts, uncertain or unstable conditions, introspection, analysis, perfection, priorities, self-protection, family members, partners, and health.

Desire: You want someone to call or come by, to correct a problem area, and/or get away from work or responsibilities.

Romance: An admirere will want to see you and will phone or come to call.

The Home: Youw ill be trying to put things into perspective or perfect an idea but will have problems trying to establish priorities, meet scheduled plans, or follow through with a course of action.

Pleasure: A surreptitious advantage is coming your way (in your finances or love life) that will put a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

The Physical Body: You could be experiencing problems with your breasts, and trying to accomplish too much will result in tension aches and pains. Stop, or head problems could result. A rest and/or muscle relaxer would greatly help.

Finances: You will experience anxiety over the recipt of money or a check thought lost, but it will shortly be recovered. An unexpected financial gain could also be indicated.

Time: In time you will conclude matters successfully, and take time off to rest and relax.

Anxiety: Striving for perfection and trying to establish priorities, meet deadlines, or keep appointments will be a constant source of aggravation for you.

New Beginnings: You'll begin to see things as they really are in terms of objectives and establish a precedent; and, if you have been working too hard, you will take some time off for R&R.

Success: You're going to have unexpected financial gains, and your good judgment and ability to establish correct priorities will prove to be successful.

Fortune: You'll be lucky in establishing better conditions. Finding bargains and getting gifts and good fortune will come through business affairs, social activities, and unexpected events.

Blessings: You are going to be grateful for an unexpected financial gain or surreptitious advantage.

Special Guidance: Mundane - Things are going to clear up and work out.

Best Course of Action: Maintain mental or emotional balance, keep things in their proper perspective, and take things slow and easy. If you're having a problem, don't struggle with it; take time off, or just drop it for now.

Outcome: A friend, lover, or new alliance will be very beneficial to your life, your work, or your career.


-Who thinks the Tarot can sometimes be really freaky!