Wednesday, May 25, 2005

It's Been A Long Time....

Life kind of carried me away for a few weeks. I've been so busy with my ECE placement that I haven't really had time to sit down and write my blog.

Life's been busy. My placement has been fantastic! I know without a doubt that I was made to work in this field. I love every minute of it! My boss told me today that she'll hate to see my talents wasted outside of the field, so she's doing her best to help me find work at one of the centres in the city, even if it's only part time. I'm very thankful for that. She also told me that she'll put me through a mock interview before I leave next week, so I can get a feel for what kinds of questions I'll be asked in a real interview. That will be so helpful.

Graduation is next Friday, and then reality sets in. Fortunately, I have a job lined up for myself, just to get me started. It's a waitressing job, which isn't what I want to do for the rest of my life, but it's just something to get me started. I want to get some money coming in so I can start paying down the debts and be able to afford an apartment with Matt.

I had been really stressed out much so that my stomach was hurting constantly, I wasn't sleeping very well, I was having bad dreams, etc. I finally had to step back and force myself to let things go. I started repeating an affirmation to myself every day, throughout the day, and started focusing my attention on the most immediate issues. I started trying to be more positive, and banish the negativity from my life. And guess what?! It worked! I don't know why it surprises me so much when it works. I've done it before and gotten results. But my natural pessimism takes over, and I lose control of my positivity. This time I've vowed to keep positive, and to see something positive in every day, even if it seems like it's been a rotten day. I've been getting results. It took about two weeks, but good things have been happening. And even if something doesn't go exactly as I'd like it to, I've been realizing later on that it's obviously happened for another reason, and I accept it for what it is and move on. I have to say, it feels amazing. I haven't felt this good in a long time. All is well in the world of Sara.

This weekend I plan on just relaxing. I'm not going to stress out about ANYTHING. Life is going as close to plan as possible, and nothing is going horribly wrong. I have my little duckies in as neat a row as I can, and that's the best I can do. Que sera, sera (Thank you Doris Day hehe).

So, until next time! Keep your chin up, and know that everything will work out in the end.

I now create more strength and open myself up to the flows of positive energy. I gratefully accept success in my endeavours.


Thursday, May 05, 2005

Amelia's Medieval Adventure

Amelia’s Medieval Adventure.

Amelia is a little girl with an active imagination. However, today Amelia isn’t feeling overly imaginative. Why? Because her cousin Christopher is coming for a visit. Cootie Chris, as Amelia likes to call him, is 9 years old and he has no imagination. He’s always nosing around in Amelia’s adventures, and he always ends up ruining them.

Amelia heard a knock at the door. Her dog Seamus jumped up off the floor beside her and ran downstairs, barking all the way. Amelia’s heart sank. It had to be Cootie Chris. Amelia’s mom called her downstairs, but when Amelia got down there she saw it wasn’t Chris, it was her best friend Emily!

"Amelia, Emily’s mom asked if Emily could spend the day here while she goes out of town." Amelia got a smile that spread from ear to ear. Maybe today wasn’t going to be so bad after all.

Amelia and Emily ran off into the back yard in a squeal of giggles. Seamus was hot on their heels, nipping and yipping as he went. The girls ran all the way to the big oak tree. Amelia flopped down on her stomach, and Emily sat down beside her.

"So what do we want to do today?" asked Emily as she took out a bag of cheesies from her backpack.
"I don’t know. My stupid cousin is coming today," Amelia huffed, "Think we can hide from him all day?" Amelia rolled over onto her back and closed her eyes. "Hey Emily? Haven’t you ever wanted to go back to the time of the knights and dragons?"
Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch.
"You mean medieval times?" she replied, smacking the cheese from her fingers.
"Well, I guess so. Why?"

Amelia took Emily’s hand and scrunched her eyes. Suddenly the backyard started spinning. Emily dropped her bag of cheesies and covered her eyes. But just as quickly as the yard started spinning it had stopped. Emily slowly lowered her hands. When she opened her eyes she saw Amelia standing by the backdoor to the house. Wait a minute, that wasn’t Amelia’s house!
Instead of Amelia’s house it was a big huge medieval castle!

Amelia was looking at Emily with a huge grin on her face, "Isn’t this exciting? We get to explore a real castle!"
Emily stood up, grabbed her bag of cheesies and stuffed it back into her backpack. She gave her fingers one last lick, wiped her fingers on her pants and then walked over to Amelia.

The two girls looked up at the huge oak door. Amelia put her hand on the door handle and gave it a tug. "Wow, that’s a heavy door." Emily spit in both her palms and put her hands on the door handle and helped Amelia tug. It wouldn’t budge.

From behind the door the two girls heard the sounds of horses hooves and whinnying. Emily pressed her ear to the door while Amelia kept tugging. Suddenly Emily gave Amelia a shove, and both girls went crashing to the ground. Just as the girls hit the ground the doors banged open and a rush of knights and horses went galloping through the doorway.

Amelia waited until the knights were out of sight before she stepped into the doorway. As she stepped into the castle she heard something under her feet. She looked down and saw a wanted poster with hers and Emily’s faces on it! "Emily, look at this! We’re wanted by order of Cranky Count Cootie!"

As Emily examined the poster Amelia stepped further into the castle, "Hello?" she said.
Amelia heard her echo. She motioned for Emily to join her. Amelia put a finger to her lips, "Shhh, we have to be quiet. We don’t want to attract the attention of the Cranky Count Cootie."
"But who’s Cranky Count Cootie?" asked Emily.
Amelia pointed to a portrait on the wall. The caption underneath said ‘Cranky Count Cootie.’ He looked exactly like Amelia’s cousin!

The girls were amazed at all the neat things inside the castle. There were suits of armor, swords on the walls, marble statues, and a spiral staircase. Amelia couldn’t resist going up the stairs. As the two girls were walking up the stairs, Amelia heard barking. Seamus came running up the stairs behind them.
"Seamus! Shhhh!" But it was too late. Someone heard them.

"Who’s there? Answer me!"
Amelia looked at Emily, who looked at Amelia, who looked at Seamus. Amelia turned to face the top of the stairs and listened carefully. She couldn’t hear anything…
Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch.
"What was that?" said a big booming voice.
Amelia jumped, turned around and saw Emily frozen in position, a cheesie partway in her mouth. The girls looked at each other and then ran down the stairs as fast as they could. Behind them they could hear thundering footsteps coming down the stairs.

"What do we do?" squealed Emily.
As Amelia was thinking she felt a tug on her leg. She looked down and she saw Seamus standing there wagging his tail. He turned around and ran towards a giant doorway at the end of the hall. Amelia smiled, "Let’s follow Seamus!"

The girls ran down the hallway after Seamus towards the giant door. The girls tugged on the door handle and ran out into the middle of a huge courtyard. Seamus started barking wildly. Amelia turned around with a gasp.

Emily looked at Amelia, "What? What’s wrong? Why do you look-?" and then Emily saw it. A huge, towering, smoldering, firey-red dragon.

Emily dropped her bag of cheesies, but this time she didn’t notice. Both girls couldn’t take their eyes off of the dragon. Seamus wasn’t sure if he wanted to bark or if he wanted to hide. He decided to stand beside Amelia and growl quietly.

The dragon suddenly moved its wings and snorted smoke out of its nose. The girls jumped and squealed. Seamus hid behind the two of them. The dragon started to move closer to the girls. Amelia and Emily backed away from the dragon until they felt their backs against the door. Amelia whipped around and tried to open the door. It was locked! It must have locked behind them!

Amelia turned back and stared in horror as the dragon got closer and closer. Amelia and Emily could smell the smoke of the dragon’s breath as it stalked towards them. Both girls closed their eyes as the dragon stopped right in front of them. They waited to be eaten.

They waited.

They waited some more.

They heard a strange crinkling sound.

Finally Amelia opened one eye and looked to see what the dragon was doing.

Amelia started laughing. The dragon was eating Emily’s cheesies! He didn’t want to eat them he just wanted the cheesies! Amelia nudged Emily, "Emily, the dragon’s eating your cheesies!" Emily opened her eyes. When she saw the dragon she couldn’t help but laugh, "I didn’t think dragons ate cheesies!"

Both girls kept giggling as they walked closer to the dragon. The dragon looked up from its business of licking cheese off the inside of the bag. It gave the girls a big cheesy grin and nodded. Amelia and Emily went over to the dragon and touched it. "You’re not such a bad dragon. You just look scary."

The dragon nodded at the girls again and lowered itself to the ground. All of a sudden a loud booming voice crossed the corridor. "Hey! You!" Amelia looked around to see where the voice came from. She couldn’t see anybody! A couple of seconds later the door burst open, and there, standing in the doorway, was CRANKY COUNT COOTIE!

Amelia screamed. Emily screamed. Seamus ran up to Cranky Count Cootie and started barking and growling. "Amelia! Get your dog off! What are you doing out here? I heard giggles." Amelia stopped screaming. She looked around herself and saw her backyard. Cootie Chris had done it again! He had ruined her adventure!

"Chris! You ruined it! Emily and I were playing with a dragon in a medieval castle and you ruined it!" Chris looked at both girls like they were crazy. "No you weren’t, you were in this backyard the whole time. I saw you." Amelia snorted, "No, we were playing with a dragon, right Emily?"

Amelia looked at Emily. Emily shrugged, "Well, you do have an active imagination, Amelia." Amelia let out a loud groan, "But we did play with the dragon! We almost got hit by knights on horses, we saw our faces on a wanted poster, we saw the picture of Cranky Count Cootie, we got chased into the courtyard where we saw the dragon. You were there, you saw all of it!" Amelia saw the look of disbelief on Emily’s and Chris’s faces. Amelia sighed and turned to walk into her house. As she stepped towards the door she felt something under her feet.

Amelia looked down and saw hers and Emily’s faces staring up at her. She let out a loud "HA! Look!" Amelia picked up the poster and showed it to Chris and Emily. Emily looked at Chris, who looked at Emily, who looked at Amelia. "But, how-?"

Amelia smiled sympathetically at her best friend, and glared at her cousin and said, "Just an active imagination I guess," and walked into the house.

The End.

Copyright Sara Janssen 2005. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The nerve of spiders.....

So, I woke up at 3am Monday morning and decided I had to answer the call of many of us do. I turn on the shower light because it's not so bright that late at night....and just as I sat down (sorry for the mental images, it's worth it I swear)... I look down and there's a huge spider on the baseboard!!!!! I'm talking HUGE!!!!! This thing had to be the size of toonie (for those who aren't Canadian, a toonie is our two dollar coin) Anyways, I freaked!!!!! I hate spiders!!! And I have rules!!! All spiders should know my rules!!

Anyway, I wasn't too impressed. He suffered the same fate that all spiders do that break my rules....he got squished. LOLOL But I'm so pathetic. I had no kleenex around, and toilet paper wasn't thick enough, so I got a paper towel and folded it. But then I made a practice squishing motion and noticed there was potential for escape, so I grabbed some toilet paper, bunched it up and then held it with the paper towel. I wanted to avoid feeling the squish if I could at all help it lol. It didn't work. I could still feel the pop when I squished him. It makes me shudder just thinking about it.

I told my mom this story and she found it rather amusing lol. SHe laughed about it for a good while. She said the spider was too dumb to sit there while I figured all of this out lol. He obviously wasn't a psychic spider. I said it was 3am, he probably wasn't at his sharpest either lol. She couldn't stop seeing images of me and a spider duking it out at 3am hehehe. There was me with my bedhead, in my pajamas, and sleep-fuzzed eyes deciding what was the bigger priority....peeing or killing a spider. He was a patient spider, really. He let me pee, he let me grab paper towel, practice a squish, and then wad up some TP....I almost felt guilty. If it hadn't been for the fact that he scared the crap out of me.... It was his own fault. He broke the my rules.
