Wednesday, May 25, 2005

It's Been A Long Time....

Life kind of carried me away for a few weeks. I've been so busy with my ECE placement that I haven't really had time to sit down and write my blog.

Life's been busy. My placement has been fantastic! I know without a doubt that I was made to work in this field. I love every minute of it! My boss told me today that she'll hate to see my talents wasted outside of the field, so she's doing her best to help me find work at one of the centres in the city, even if it's only part time. I'm very thankful for that. She also told me that she'll put me through a mock interview before I leave next week, so I can get a feel for what kinds of questions I'll be asked in a real interview. That will be so helpful.

Graduation is next Friday, and then reality sets in. Fortunately, I have a job lined up for myself, just to get me started. It's a waitressing job, which isn't what I want to do for the rest of my life, but it's just something to get me started. I want to get some money coming in so I can start paying down the debts and be able to afford an apartment with Matt.

I had been really stressed out much so that my stomach was hurting constantly, I wasn't sleeping very well, I was having bad dreams, etc. I finally had to step back and force myself to let things go. I started repeating an affirmation to myself every day, throughout the day, and started focusing my attention on the most immediate issues. I started trying to be more positive, and banish the negativity from my life. And guess what?! It worked! I don't know why it surprises me so much when it works. I've done it before and gotten results. But my natural pessimism takes over, and I lose control of my positivity. This time I've vowed to keep positive, and to see something positive in every day, even if it seems like it's been a rotten day. I've been getting results. It took about two weeks, but good things have been happening. And even if something doesn't go exactly as I'd like it to, I've been realizing later on that it's obviously happened for another reason, and I accept it for what it is and move on. I have to say, it feels amazing. I haven't felt this good in a long time. All is well in the world of Sara.

This weekend I plan on just relaxing. I'm not going to stress out about ANYTHING. Life is going as close to plan as possible, and nothing is going horribly wrong. I have my little duckies in as neat a row as I can, and that's the best I can do. Que sera, sera (Thank you Doris Day hehe).

So, until next time! Keep your chin up, and know that everything will work out in the end.

I now create more strength and open myself up to the flows of positive energy. I gratefully accept success in my endeavours.
