Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The nerve of spiders.....

So, I woke up at 3am Monday morning and decided I had to answer the call of nature....as many of us do. I turn on the shower light because it's not so bright that late at night....and just as I sat down (sorry for the mental images, it's worth it I swear)... I look down and there's a huge spider on the baseboard!!!!! I'm talking HUGE!!!!! This thing had to be the size of toonie (for those who aren't Canadian, a toonie is our two dollar coin) Anyways, I freaked!!!!! I hate spiders!!! And I have rules!!! All spiders should know my rules!!

Anyway, I wasn't too impressed. He suffered the same fate that all spiders do that break my rules....he got squished. LOLOL But I'm so pathetic. I had no kleenex around, and toilet paper wasn't thick enough, so I got a paper towel and folded it. But then I made a practice squishing motion and noticed there was potential for escape, so I grabbed some toilet paper, bunched it up and then held it with the paper towel. I wanted to avoid feeling the squish if I could at all help it lol. It didn't work. I could still feel the pop when I squished him. It makes me shudder just thinking about it.

I told my mom this story and she found it rather amusing lol. SHe laughed about it for a good while. She said the spider was too dumb to sit there while I figured all of this out lol. He obviously wasn't a psychic spider. I said it was 3am, he probably wasn't at his sharpest either lol. She couldn't stop seeing images of me and a spider duking it out at 3am hehehe. There was me with my bedhead, in my pajamas, and sleep-fuzzed eyes deciding what was the bigger priority....peeing or killing a spider. He was a patient spider, really. He let me pee, he let me grab paper towel, practice a squish, and then wad up some TP....I almost felt guilty. If it hadn't been for the fact that he scared the crap out of me.... It was his own fault. He broke the my rules.
