Friday, November 11, 2005

lol the wonders of children

You know, the short time I've been working in child care, I've noticed that children are highly unpredictable. And if they're in a "mood"'s best to just let them do their thing lol. I have one little girl who has mood swings quicker than you can blink. She came up to me this morning and wanted snuggles in the rocking chair. She loves the little bumble bee song I sing, so she asked me to sing it to her (again and again and again). I had her giggling and smiling in no time. After she woke up from nap she was the complete opposite lol. I kid you not. I couldn't touch her, I couldn't take her hand to walk outside, she didn't want me to help her put her coat on, she didn't want aaaaaaaaaaanything. She'd throw her food in the garbage at snack, and then expect me to give her more. She was stealing other kids food, she was spilling things, etc. All the while she's the cutest little thing you've ever seen. But she knows that's her ticket. She's also figured out that it doesn't work with me lol. When she's having one of her "moments" I just walk away, basically. I keep my eye on her, but I don't give her the attention she's looking for. It makes her quite irrate, I have to say. But her mood quickly passes because she realizes she won't get to have fun if she's busy throwing a fit.

But, the funniest thing today, was when I had one of the kids sitting on my lap just after nap time. One of our little boys stole a stuffed elephant toy from another of our little boys. The little girl on my lap just says "sumabish". My co-worker and I looked at her, and asked her to repeat herself, due to the fact we couldn't believe what we had just heard, we were hoping we were wrong lol. She repeats it, and sure enough, clear as day we heard "son of a b*tch", come out of her mouth, except it was something more along the lines of "sumabish". LOL I hadn't wanted to laugh so hard in my life lol. My co-worker and I weren't entirely sure what to do, so we told her that her words weren't good words, and not to use them again. LOL After it was over, we had a good laugh though lol.

God I love my job lol.
