Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Taking Creativity One Step Further....

So, after forcing myself to take my idea one step further, I started to fill in the blanks. I decided I wanted my anonymous girl to have dark hair with streaks, or chunks. She was going to be holding her halo with one hand, and reaching for it with the other.

Lemme tell you something about those hands. THEY WERE A NIGHTMARE!! Okay, no wait...that's not fair. The first hand was an absolute dream, it came out of nothing. It was like it just appeared there with little to no effort. That would be the hand actually grasping the halo, on the left side. The hand on the right, mind you, gave me serious SERIOUS problems. Now, I LOVe drawing hands, quite seriously, it's one of my favourite things to draw. But this one.....Oooooooh this one made me rethink why it is I love to draw hands. I couldn't get the angle right to save my soul!!! I even tried taking a picture of my hand in the position I wanted it to be in for the drawing. That in itself was a feat that turned out to be horribly entertaining. Thank god I was in my room by myself lol. Anyway, after a good 20 minutes of drawing hands and erasing them, I came out with the hand you currently see here. Okay, fine. Not perfect, but I can deal. I've done worse, and have seen much worse. I can live with it.

So I coloured her hair, shaded her eyes a touch, drew the clock in the background. I stepped back and realize that I have to come up with a background for her. I was definitely not finished lol.

Halo Slipping Down - Rough Step 2

To see where I take the drawing, read my next post.
