Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Creativity Finally Paid Me A Visit

Well I had been on a creative drought for almost a month. That hasn't happened in a while. My good friend Steve sent me one of his poems a month ago and asked me if I could come up with a drawing for it. Steve loves my art. I sometimes think he's completely insane, but ah well. I enjoy doing it, so it's nice to have a fan lol.

Anyway, I read the poem and had a lot of images running through my head but I couldn't pin down any single one. So I put the poem down and just let my mind work over the images. Nothing was really sticking, and I was having serious creative block. So I left it for almost a month. I finally sat down one day at my computer, printed up Steve's poem and read it again. I got hit with an image strictly from the title. I threw in a few aspects from other ideas in the poem and I had an image to go with. I grabbed my pencil and my sketchbook and I got....NADA! Absolutely nothing!! My muse was not with me that day. Everything I drew looked like crap. So I just put my pencils away and sulked lol. That was a few days ago.

Today, I was bored after reorganizing my shelves and cleaning my bathroom. I ate my dinner, and got thinking about the image in my head again. I thought about getting my sketchbook, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I don't know why, but I've started associating my sketchbook with creative-block. NOT GOOD! I thought about it for a second, grabbed a crappy pencil from my jar, a small stack of blank printer paper and I started sketching. Below is what came out.

Halo Slipping Down - step 1

It's a little hard to see, but there it is. It was the basic shell of what had been floating around in my head for a little while. It felt so good to finally get it down on paper! I don't hesitate to tell you that I was very wary of trying to finish it. But, I mustered my courage and I boldly soldiered on.

To see the next step in the process, see my next post.
