Friday, February 10, 2006

Here I Go...Copy Cat That I am...

Well, Bea changed the look of her blog, and when I saw it my jaw dropped! I didn't know that they had these cool options! So, right now I'm copy-catting her until I can find another cool one. Now I want to ask my mom how she got her blog background because it's gorgeous, but I'm not sure how she did it lol. I must remember to finally ask her.

Totally off topic, I'm listening to the Curious George soundtrack because I'm a HUGE Jack Johnson fan, and it's awesome :o). Mind you, Jack Johnson could probably sing me the alphabet song and I'd be exstatic. Actually I know I would be, seeing as how I work in child care lol. Anyway, I've had people accuse me of jumping on the Jack Johnson bandwagon because his recent release "In Between Dreams" is the one that made him huge, but alas, I love disappointing them when I tell them I've been hooked for a couple years now lol. I fully admit I haven't been a fan from the beginning, I had to be shown the light by a dear friend of mine, but the fact is, I was a fan before he really hit the radio waves lol. So there :oP.

So being part of this paranormal list has made me very curious to explore my psychic ability, if I have one. Too many strange things have happened in my life to not think I have some sort of "gift". Not so much with being able to "predict" or "sense things" with people, but more with communication with spirits on the other side. I've given myself a new task. I found an excellent meditation geared towards contacting your spirit guide. I don't expect it will work right away, it's something I'm going to have to work at and practice, but I'm very excited to meet my spirit guide and to learn from them. Who knows, maybe they'll be able to help me enhance my ability to speak to the other side. That would be cool. And very helpful!! At least then I wouldn't feel like a clueless shmuck when spirits contact me and I can't help them because I can't figure out what they're trying to tell me! So, I'll keep you posted on that.

As far as the manifestation board goes, matt and I chose fairly long-term desires. Or, they didn't seem long term at the time, but due to the fact that the Sudbury Police Service can only interview and work so quickly, it's becoming long term lol. I was disappointed because I hadn't been given any news on any financial changes, and Matt hasn't heard much about jobs, other than his interviews with the police. I was about to get discouraged with the manifestation board when I realized that things were going well, they were just going slowly. I've been given news that the government has received my request for changes to my tax returns for the last few years, which could give us more money, and Matt has been getting feedback on his interviews. So now that I've realized those things are working, I'm realizing I should have put health on there for me! I've been so sick lately!!! And it's just happening so consistently that I swear there are dark forces at work determined to make me miserable lol. I've told matt that once I get over this last flu and cold, I'm gonna go postal on the next person who feels the need to share their germs with me! I'm armed with chewable vitamin C, extra-strength echinacae, and anti-bacterial Purel for work. I'm going to use it constantly!! I am determined to stay healthy for longer than a week! So let it be known here and now that I, Sara, refuse to be sick ANYMORE!!!!
