Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Hurray! Success!!!

My first day of work was fantastic! This is the first time in a few months where I've come home from work chipper, happy, and no headache! I love the centre and all the girls that work there are really nice. I don't think it's going to take me long to catch on at all. Infact I picked up most of it today! I think I'm really going to learn to like this split-shift. I get my afternoon to run errands and just fart around, and then I go back to work for 3 hours. No biggy! I'm very excited!

I left work at 10:30 and Matt and I managed to get everything done today that we wanted to! I rescheduled my hearing test and appointment with the specialist, we paid off our furniture and my ring, and I even got to go out for lunch!! Life is on track. Now, I'm anxiously awaiting my doctors appointment on Sunday....my lady bits aren't quite right and I want to get checked to make sure I'm okay (sorry for the details!). I'm a little nervous because silly me started doing some research and I'm finding out what COULD be wrong...but Matt's telling me to calm down that I shouldn't have done any research and that I'll be fine. All I can do is talk to the doctor and let him figure it out. So, as fun as this week is going to be, I'm looking forward to Sunday. :o) (And mom, don't panic, it's not as bad as you're thinking...I just hurt!)

Ta ta for now!!
