Tuesday, April 25, 2006

As I Sit Here...

As I sit here eating my muffins and waiting to go to work, the neighbours upstairs are stomping around. I'm welcomed by the same sound that taunted me while I was trying to sleep last night. I obviously finally fell asleep at some point because I opened my eyes and it was 10 minutes before my alarm. Alright, I'll just get up, no big deal. Eyes fuzzy, feet hurting, and head heavy from sleep I start the shower. The shower felt fantastic, as always. The decision for what to wear wasn't all that difficult, burgundy velvet pants, and my striped shirt. Give Matt a kiss, off I go to get breakfast. All the while the people upstairs are stomping around. It just amazes me how someone so small can be so heavy on their feet and be in so many places at once. We haven't heard from the landlady in a few weeks now, we're wondering if maybe she's not going to try and evict them anymore? I hope that's not the case because she'll find herself short two good tenants p.d.q. Well, not really, because on the whole this apartment is a rarity in this city. Not too expensive, really nice, awesome location (except for the cemetary lol). Anything like this in the city would cost us at least $100 more a month. No thanks. I guess I'll suffer in silence. But it's sad, I'm afraid to put our patio chairs out for fear of having cigarette butts thrown on them. I'm afraid to put a garden in because their teenage son is a little jerk and would probably throw butts in it, kleenex, food, or worse, rip it up. But, I'm going to do it anyway, and if something happens I'll take pictures and inform the landlady. That's all I can do.

Well, my breakfast is done, it's gone quiet upstairs and it's 15 minutes until I have to go to work. I guess I'll shuffle off to....(Nuffalo!!!) the bedroom and get my socks lol. I just noticed it's -2 out this morning....ACK!!! lol Spring got ousted by winter once again! Oiy!!

-Who's having a blah day today and would have preferred to stay in bed despite the fact she loves her job.