Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Of the Moment...

So what are the songs I'm seeking out on my Mp3 player right now? Here's a top 10 list:

1) Vicarious - Tool
2) Jungle Gym - Jack Johnson
3) Dance, Dance - Fallout Boy
4) Dani California - Red Hot Chili Peppers
5) Golddigger - Kanye West (I love the Jamie Foxx bit hehe)
6) Landing in London - 3 Doors Down
7) Rich Girl - Gwen Stefani
8) The Grace - Neverending White Lights
9) Burn One Down - Ben Harper
10) With My Own Two Hands - Jack Johnson and Ben Harper

It's pretty generic this week, but sometimes you just have to lol. It's all about what you enjoy listening to, right? Whatever makes you happy hehe.

- Who has to head back to work now.