Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I Can See Clearly Now...

Wow, life just got fantastic!! I'm feeling a lot better after my little "episode", so that's one reason life is good. Not to mention the HUGE queen size bed that just got delivered to the apartment! YAY!! Matt and I have a grown-up bed lol. But the real reason I'm so happy? MATT GOT HIS JOB!!!! He got the call on Monday to say that he's been hired at Cecil Facer and he goes for his training on May 28! He'll be gone for 6 weeks, which really doesn't make me happy, but when he gets back he's going to have a killer job with great pay!! We couldn't be we can start to get life on track. We both have fantastic jobs, we'll be making great money and will finally be able to afford to start paying off some debts. ALL HAIL THE UNIVERSAL ENERGIES! I send my sincerest thanks out to the universe, you've done a grand job. :o)

In other news, my parents are having a fantastic time in Ireland. My mom says almost everything she looks at is a "Kodak Moment" lol. I'm sure they'll have tons of pictures when they get back hehe. Not to mention tons of souvenirs. It sounds like my mom's buying up all of Ireland on her travels lol. Ah well, what better way to remember a trip, right? :o) Either way, I'm thrilled they're having such a good time but I am excited for their return hehe. I plan on having a nice cake made for them to celebrate their return. Mmmmm cake lol.

-Who's feeling fantastic today!