Tarot of the Day
I'm going to start a new post theme. Every day, (or at least the days I remember) I'm going to post my tarot of the day. This will be a way of helping myself, giving myself some guidance, plus giving me something interesting to put on my blog every day. :o)So, today's tarot card is:
The 4 of Swords
In A Reading: Many 4s indicate fruition or the manifestation of an idea, along with the foundation or "space" where things can grow.
Focus: The focus in on activity, with special emphasis on printed materials such as letters, papers, and graphs, as well as money matters, social affairs, self-promotion, and starting or renewing a business of your own.
Desire: You want desires to be fulfilled and/or want spiritual support or transformation.
Romance: You will experience a feeling of being "cut off" or "out of touch" but your determination to overcome negative conditions will win out.
Others: You will be looking for a way to handle a situation that seems unjust, unfair or not right.
Travel: You will be discussing travel plans. Better to put them off, as they will cause unhappiness. (this is funny because I almost hopped in the car and went to Elliot this morning, but decided against it).
Emotional State: No matter what you have suffered in the past, you'll be on purpose again, and your hope and determination will be renewed.
Time: Whatever has been (or is) troubling you is not going to last. You will soon have a change of heart...a happy change.
Endings: Something you imagined would be the case is not going to transpire...something regarding a planned activity connected with your work, travel, or romance.
New Beginnings: You will experience frustration, anger, or tears resulting from unfufilled desires or insurmountable difficulties, but that condition will not last long.
Rewards/Gifts: A small gift will be given and the person who receives it will be very glad. (This one is also funny because I stuck a small "love you and miss you" note in Matt's bag last night so he'd find it when he unpacks tonight. When he finds it I know he'll love it).
Special Guidance: Mundane- You will get what you want.
Best Course of Action: Pray or ask for what is rightfully yours and continue to apply yourself to the work at hand.
Outcome: You will need a rest before any further activity can be resumed.